Brazil: Tragedy and political choices in the face of coronavirus
in Federica Duca e Sarah Meny-Gibert (orgs.), Social Contracts around the World through the Covid-19 Pandemic: Rapid Test. Nova York e Londres: Routledge, 2023 (pp. 137-152).
Ciclos políticos: su conceptualización y la América Latina contemporánea
in Esteban Torres e José Maurício Domingues (orgs.), Nuevos actores y cambio social en América Latina. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2022 (pp. 263-280). Com/com/with Breno Bringel.
in Breno Bringel e Geoffrey Pleyers (orgs./comps./eds), Social Movements and Politics in a Global Pandemic. Bristol: Policy Press – Bristol University Press, 2022 (pp. 225-232).